
We are a Canadian production company dedicated to excellence in telling compelling, relevant, and imaginative stories of all genres and expressions.

We are a Canadian production company dedicated to excellence in telling compelling, relevant, and imaginative stories of all genres and expressions.


Leitmotif Pictures

Who we are.

Leitmotif Pictures is a collaboration between Joshua, Malibu, and David, created out of our individual and collective desire to tell stories. It is an opportunity for us to grow as filmmakers, to enjoy and celebrate each others’ victories, and to share and overcome challenging times together.

What we do.

We work towards excellence in creating compelling, relevant, and imaginative films. We also recognize the importance of being responsible with the power that stories have to impact the hearts and minds of those who watch them, especially those of younger generations.

We strive to tell stories with humour that is never cruel, sadness that does not despair, and to uphold the dignity of every life and the validity of all emotions.  

What is a Leitmotif?

A leitmotif (pronounced “lite-moe-teef”) is a recurring musical theme that comes to represent a character, place, or idea in a symphony or larger piece of music—think of “The Imperial March” in Star Wars or the “Fellowship Theme” in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Musical leitmotifs exist in endless varieties, and they often change or mature over time. But they all come together to create something greater than themselves. In the same way, the films we create at Leitmotif Pictures may be of all genres and styles, but together they form a picture that upholds the beautiful and profound in life.


Want to collaborate with us?